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MESPA has eight statewide committees. Each committee has a chair
appointed by the MESPA president and includes a representative selected
by each MESPA division. The division representatives transfer the work
and ideas from the division to the state level, and back again.
These committees include: Communications, Educational Advisory, EPAC, Legislation Resolutions, Membership, MN School of Excellence, Financial Awareness, and Negotiations.
Membership This committee makes sure we know who our members are and ought to be. The committee carries out strategies for new member recruitment, former/current member retention, trend analysis, procedures, alternative membership categories, and exit interviews. If you have any questions regarding MESPA membership or benefits, contact this committee. Not a member yet? Join here now! Committee Chair Lino Lakes Elementary | Educational Advisory Committee
MESPA seeks to be the premiere resource in preparing today's principals for tomorrow. The Educational Advisory committee reviews principals' current and long-range education needs based upon the changing role of the principalship, recommends seminar topics/speakers, and helps facilitate Institute. If you have questions about or suggestions for MESPA seminars or Institute presentations, contact this committee.
Committee Chair | Negotiations Principals need to be aware of current and emerging issues that affect both contracts and a principal's efforts to support staff members, engage the community, and ensure student success. This committee helps principals prepare, research, and gather data in order to enter the negotiations process confidently and competently. One of our annual projects is the MESPA Salary and Benefit survey. For negotiations support, contact this committee or visit the Negotiations Resources page here. Committee Chair |
Financial Awareness Committee MESPA supports principals at every stage of their career, from aspiring principals to retired principals! This committee promotes financial awareness for all principals by helping provide information to MESPA members to promote financial wellness in a variety of areas. If you have questions or concerns about financial awareness issues, contact this committee. Click here to visit the Financial Awareness Committee's page and find great resources! Committee Chair | Minnesota School of Excellence Committee The Minnesota School of Excellence (SOE) Program promotes excellence through a rigorous evaluation process that showcases dynamic schools of the 21st century. For more information on this process, visit the SOE page here. Committee Chair | Legislative Resolutions Committee MESPA is a strong leading voice for public education. This committee works with MESPA legislative counsel and the executive director to promote legislation favorable to education and the principalship, supports active connection between MESPA members and legislators, and works with other associations to develop joint legislative platforms. It annually drafts a legislative platform and resolution to be approved by general membership vote. If you have questions/suggestions regarding education-related legislation, contact this committee. Fore more information on legislation advocacy, visit the Legislation page here. Committee Chair |
Communications Committee MESPA communications, (Advocate, E-News, Web, Twitter) are customized to the needs of education leaders. This committee, comprised of the presidents-elect from each division, determines what information is of interest to MESPA members, authors best-practice articles, and expands the audience and content of MESPA electronic communications. The committee also serves as the Nominations Committee, putting forth a slate for statewide MESPA offices according to our bylaws. If you have recommendations for article/Web topics or MESPA candidates, contact this committee. Committee Chair | EPAC Committee The Elementary Principals' Action Committee (EPAC) is the political action arm of MEPSA and raises funds to support candidates whose efforts and priorities align with MESPA's legislative priorities. This committee is affiliated with MESPA, but is not a part of the association. You can make an online EPAC donation here. For more information on legislative advocacy, visit the Legislation page here. |
Member Directory
For more information on MESPA's Committee Chairs and other MESPA members, please visit the Member Directory.
*Must be a member to access full directory