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Executive Committee

2024-25 MESPA State Officers

 Lisa CarlsonAshley Farrington  Melissa HeschBret Domstrand 
 President President-Elect Secretary-TreasurerNAESP State Rep 
Woodland Elementary  Birchview ElementaryEagle View Elementary Lake Marion Elementary

Being a MESPA State Officer is a blast! from lobbying on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. to visiting schools around the state, there's never a dull moment. 

Election Schedule

Election Timeline

Up for Election in 2026: President-Elect, and the Secretary/Treasurer

Click to enlarge timeline

Officer Election Procedure


MESPA elections will occur in odd numbered years, as stipulated by Article V, Section 2  in our Bylaws, for President-Elect and Secretary/Treasurer no later than 15 calendar days after the MESPA Annual Meeting (February). Elections for the NAESP State Representative will be held in conjunction with MESPA officer elections.

The success of our association begins with the election of quality leadership. Exercise your membership right and vote for the MESPA candidates you believe will best represent your needs as an elementary or middle-level principal, and who will continue to assist in the development of strong association programs within the framework of our strategic goals.

Election procedure

Elections are conducted in accordance with our Bylaws (Article V, Section 2). This will be an electronic election process.

  • An electronic ballot will be e-mailed to all active MESPA members no later than 15 calendar days following the MESPA Annual Meeting. Voting will continue no longer than 30 calendar days following the MESPA Annual Meeting.
  • Votes will be tabulated electronically and verified by the MESPA Election Committee
  • Election results will be announced on the MESPA Web site and in the MESPA E-News.

Terms of Office

MESPA President-Elect: five-year commitment
  • Two years as MESPA President-Elect
  • Two years as MESPA President
  • One year as Past President
MESPA Secretary/Treasurer: two-year commitment
The officer can be re-elected one time, for a two-term maximum.

NAESP State Representative: three-year commitment The officer can be re-elected one time, for a two-term maximum.


Learn about your candidates
Once candidates have been nominated (by September of election years), statements from each candidate will be posted on this site in early December.

Meet the candidates
During election years, you can meet the candidates at the MESPA Institute in February. Candidates will have an opportunity to speak during this conference.

For more information on leader responsibilities, visit the Leader Responsibilities Page.
MESPA is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization

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Roseville, Minnesota, 55113
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