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Featured Principals: October 2023

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How and why did you become a principal?

I became a principal in 2015 while I was working as a curriculum and professional development director for a school district in Iowa. My love of teaching and learning is deep and extends way back into my elementary years. I have always thrived on working with others, taking on leadership roles to help organize things, and make meaning from messes and this led me to exploring leadership roles while taking on various general education and special education teaching roles. I became a principal to have the greatest possible impact on students' lives and to inspire others to do the same!

What are you most proud of in your work?

I am most proud of the relationships formed with students, staff, and families. I absolutely love the collective work that is accomplished when people work together. The energy surrounding positive relationships is simply amazing and gives hope to so many efforts and situations. I believe this positive energy can truly change the landscape of education and create messages of hope within the world. I am very proud of creating systems and structures that students can thrive in on many different levels from offering creative clubs and services to co-locating with mental health supports for student, even pediatric psychiatry.

What is a challenge you face at work?

As many schools face the challenges of staff shortage, I am standing right there with them. We have trouble filling the extremely valuable paraprofessional roles that are needed to enhance education in our building. Also, sometimes it can be defeating to not have enough people or resources to go around to meet the needs of students and their families. We just keep making lists and attending to the needs as fast and furious as we can!

What are some strategies you use to keep your work and life balanced?

I really rely on technology to make my work and life easier. I am not ashamed of that at all. I often save important messages or emails to use to re-draft or re-use when urgent communication or timely communication is needed for various stakeholders. I do not respond to difficult situations over the weekend and have now been in the habit of emailing families back that I have received their messages and that answers will come as soon as possible--that I want to allow the appropriate amount of time to fully look into situations. When I'm with family and friends--I unplug!

What piece of advice would you give a new principal OR what piece of advice have you gotten that has been most useful?

Stand in your truth! The truth shall set you free! Remember that you are only one person and you cannot change people's viewpoints. But be steady, remain calm, and believe in yourself--eventually people catch on and really look up to your leadership. It's hard not to take things personal at first...it does get better. Find a principal mentor! A good mentor will keep you looking ahead and keep hope alive in you.

How many years have you been a principal?

This is my 9th year as a principal.

How and why did you become a principal?

I loved teaching! I was blessed to work with so many wonderful children, supportive families, and fabulous teachers and paraprofessionals. I was also lucky to work with a few phenomenal principals that created the climate and culture of our school, challenged me to be better and best for children, and shared the ups and downs of the principalship. I grew into the desire to be something more than a teacher, a chance to pay forward what others had given and done for me.

What are you most proud of in your work?

The collegial relationships created with my staff and Husker families. I am proud of my students...they inspire me, create hope, and work so hard to be a better/best version of themselves.

What is a challenge you face at work?

Staffing shortages continue to stress our school and the services we can provide for our children. I am SO proud of my staff and the way they have hired new and best for children teachers and paraprofessionals. Finances...recruiting todays most talented to teach, the cost of a teacher 4 year degree and starting teacher pay.

What are some strategies you use to keep your work and life balanced?

Work 12 hours a day by starting early while my family is still asleep! My calling and passion is the job. My family my life. A quiet summer fish or a walk in the woods grouse hunting heals my soul. As a volunteer fire fighter and first responder I am able to count blessings I once took for granted.

What piece of advice would you give a new principal OR what piece of advice have you gotten that has been most useful?

Follow your teacher heart into the principalship. Never forget how hard folks work. Never ever lose sight of what is best for children and the joy they bring to our world. Remember to feed your heart and mind the good stuff...it is a hard job and we take care of so many, never forget to take care of yourself. MESPA is a life line for networking and professional growth! You are never alone.

How many years have you been a principal?


How and why did you become a principal?

Two former administrators encouraged me to pursue administration. I told them both they were crazy, but here I am! Who's the crazy one!?!

What are you most proud of in your work?

Celebrating day to day "wins" with students and our team! We have to find joy in the little things - it's the process not the product! School should be a great place to want to be! I'm proud of the students and staff that make OUR school a great place to be!

What is a challenge you face at work?

Staffing seems to be one of the biggest challenges in our current situation. I never know what role I'm going to help to fill each day! Fortunately our team steps up to help each other out. I look forward to a time when we are fully staffed again!!!

What are some strategies you use to keep your work and life balanced?

I always have something on my calendar to look forward to - a trip, an event, a football game (Go Jackrabbits!), or even just a quiet weekend I'm going to spend at home. These times are nonnegotiable! They are my time! I know this is something I need to work on - but I would say I've made improvements over the course of the last year for sure. The last four years were tough to balance for a number of reasons, but I'm getting back on track.

What piece of advice would you give a new principal OR what piece of advice have you gotten that has been most useful?

Build a network of colleagues and friends you trust and can turn to for advice professionally. My high school principal has been a great sidekick. Without him and the network of elementary principal friends I connect with I would be drowning. These people are an invaluable resource. Like minded colleagues are a blessing!

Featured Principal, Jennifer Olson from Humphrey and Winsted Elementary in Central Minnesota. Setting: Rural. Grades: preK-5. Enrollment: 550 between two campuses. "You don't have to know everything or be good at everything before stepping into something new. Learn together and advocate for students ALWAYS. Photo of Jennifer and MESPA logo.

How and why did you become a principal?

I was encouraged by my building principal to pursue administration. I didn't think it was for me, but I also liked being involved, solving problems and being productive, and often found myself in leadership roles within committee work, coaching, curriculum, etc. After going through the K-12 program, working through internship experiences, I grew into the idea of "bigger impact" and more global changes. Every day has been a learning experience.

What are you most proud of in your work?

I am most proud of the students and staff that make up my school family. We work hard together, hold each other accountable, genuinely care for one another, and have fun together!

What are some strategies you use to keep your work and life balanced?

Balance? What's that!! Yes, still working on creating a better balance. The biggest pieces are to unplug, find me time (SCHEDULE IT IF I NEED TO!), and spend time with family. Taking time to decompress and process the day during my commute has also been helpful so when I get home, I can be present for my family.

What piece of advice would you give a new principal OR what piece of advice have you gotten that has been most useful?

Show up, be present, listen. Relationships matter with students AND staff. You don't have to know everything or be good at everything before stepping into something new. Learn together and advocate for students ALWAYS.

How many years have you been a principal?

Entering year 19. Still loving every day!

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