Event Details

MESPA Board of Directors Meeting - May 2020

  • 08 May 2020
  • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM (CDT)
  • Online via Zoom (link to follow)


Registration is closed

MESPA's Spring 2020 Board of Directors meeting.
We hope all BOD members can join us for this important and condensed meeting. If you think you will be unable to attend, please let the MESPA office know by emailing mespa@mespa.net. You may be asked to send a replacement.

Now via Zoom! We are getting our social distancing on and will meet via Zoom. The meeting has also been significantly shortened. Once you register to attend, you will receive a confirmation email with the Zoom link.

8:00–9:00am REVISED - BOD meeting (see Zoom invitation in your registration confirmation email)
12:15–3:30pm - Division presidents reconvene for NDP interviews via Zoom (separate invitation)

**Division presidents will reconvene for interviews with our National Distinguished Principal candidates from 12:15-3:30pm. It is absolutely essential that your division is represented at these interviews to ensure fairness and support for our candidates. If you are unable to participate, we respectfully request that you notify MESPA ASAP and send a replacement for the interview portion of the meeting.

For up to date information on the meeting agenda and materials, please be sure to visit the Board of Directors page one week before the meeting.

We look forward to seeing you there!

MESPA is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization

1970 Oakcrest Avenue, Suite 204
Roseville, Minnesota, 55113

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