Event Details

School Law Seminar: Rochester

  • 27 Sep 2019
  • 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
  • St. Mary's Cascade Meadow Wetlands - 2900 19th Street NW Rochester, MN 55901 - LOWER LEVEL


Registration is closed

Find out what's new in school law, have your legal questions answered, and gain valuable insight into best practices!

Legal issues and questions are an everyday occurrence for principals. MESPA provides the legal support elementary and middle level principals need to thrive in their role.

"I always enjoy this session because Roger understands the role of school administrators. He presents information that is directly related to our jobs and really outlines how it might impact us."
- Derek Bell, Shakopee Public Schools


8am-9am Southeast Division Meeting and light breakfast (all are welcome)
9am-3pm       Seminar with lunch

Topics covered:
New 2019 laws or policy changes that impact YOU, child custody basics, ESSA, school discipline, unrequested Leave, bullying, TRA, transgender issues and status, and more. This is an open format so please bring your questions and Roger will do his best to address them.

About Roger Aronson

Presented by Roger Aronson, MESPA's legislative and legal counsel, this full-day seminar is both relevant and interactive. Aronson is one of the most highly regarded school law experts in the state of MN and will provide you with the insight and knowledge you need to be effective and ethical in your work.

"Roger does a great job of helping us not only understand the changes in the law or legislation, he also helps us understand the background of the bill that was presented and the reasons behind them. This helps provide us with talking points when working through the legal changes we are expected to address in our schools." - Brian Franklin, Principal, Dassel-Cokato schools

For more information on Roger and MESPA legal services, please visit our legal page here 


MESPA is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization

1970 Oakcrest Avenue, Suite 204
Roseville, Minnesota, 55113

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