Event Details

MESPA Literacy Academy Discussion

  • 11 Apr 2023
  • 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM (CDT)
  • Via Zoom


 Understanding Minnesota’s Reading     Legislation and Discussing the Learning   Needs of Leaders: What Do School and   District Leaders Need to Know? 

 Fostering literacy development requires a school principal to be a strong,   knowledgeable instructional leader, who is able to develop both collaboration across   a community, and a systematic, data-based review of what educators must do to   foster reading development and achievement. 

 Minnesota leaders are invited to engage in discussions to explore current reading   goals and needs of our students and teachers. We will begin with a quick overview   and discussion of current and proposed reading legislation. What do we need to     know to navigate forward? What do we currently have in place and what will be   needed?  

 Then, we will  discuss the components of an effective literacy program and the   professional learning our leaders need to lead and support instruction. For nearly a   decade, MESPA provided a highly valued Literacy Academy. We need your input to   redesign the NEW Literacy Academy to ensure our members have the professional   learning that instructional leaders want today. 

 We are also seeking your input to redesign the NEW Literacy Academy to ensure   our members have the professional learning that instructional leaders need   today. Join us on April 11, 2023!

 Registration is free for this virtual discussion.

MESPA is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization

1970 Oakcrest Avenue, Suite 204
Roseville, Minnesota, 55113

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