Event Details
8:30 Continental Breakfast, Welcome & Introduction
9:00 Implementation Science Process and Structure
9:45 Tier 1 for Adults
10:15 BREAK
10:30 Tier 1 for Students
11:30 Lunch (provided) /Break/Work Time
12:30 Tier 2 Support for Students and staff
1:30 Work time and Action planning
2:30-3:00 Closing Activity/Resource Folder Sharing
Learning Outcomes:
As a result of this today’s learning, participants will be able to:
Articulate how an MTSS framework could support students and staff around social/emotional/behavioral/Academic Health.
Promote staff beliefs and attitudes around the whole child MTSS work.
Improve school climate for staff, students and families.
Determine current building-level implementation of core practices in the areas of Environment and Relationships.
Develop building-level action plans to progress toward full implementation of the Tier 1 practices.
Determine the scope and sequence of professional learning opportunities and additional support for the 2024-2025 school year.
MESPA is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization
1970 Oakcrest Avenue, Suite 204Roseville, Minnesota, 55113952.297.8670